My special number: 171
Update Tracker To help you keep track of which Shapes you missed, I present to you a table in the form of <day posted> : <days represented>
February 11 : January 28, 29, 30
February 12 : January 31; February 01, 02
February 13 : February 03, 04, 05
February 9, 2004 I give to you my most deeply felt apologies for the breech in updating protocol recently. Due to issues with the Keenspace servers, all Keenspace members have been unable to update for some time. So, in order to get back on track, I shall be posting three comics per day. Therefore, if you miss a day and want to make sure you don't miss anything, make sure that you read all three.
January 16, 2004 It's time for the creation of my fake blog. I am in the midst of an interesting theatrical project, so as that develops, my mind may begin to be skewed in its direction. Will Shapes take on a distinctively western twang? Let's hope not. Could you imagine Square in cowboy boots? ...Again?
Store News Remember to visit the Shapes Store for all your commercial needs. I know you're tired of having to explain the comic's premise without amusing visuals, which is why I have designed these helpful visual aids for you. I am still taking suggestions. If you want some Shapes equipment, just communicate your ideas. If you need a list of what I can get through CafePress, take a look at this.
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